#103: Lancaster Farm Sanctuary: Dedication, Sacrifice, Beauty and Love

People always choose love, compassion, respect. They almost always choose those same core things [values]. Then they might choose a little outlier like fitness or something like that. Great! But those core ones are there. And then, you know, are you living in alignment with those values? -Lancaster Farm Sanctuary

Jonina and Sarah are partners and co-founders of the Lancaster Farm Sanctuary, located in Lancaster Country Pennsylvania. They saw a glaring need in their community, rolled up their sleeves and got to work, providing a safe place and respite for animals that otherwise would have faced a very different fate. Their work is not always glamorous or romantic, but they continue to put in the time and energy because it brings them so much and they care so deeply for the animals.

I brought these ladies on to the podcast because I have seen the love and energy they put into their non-human residents and I was very touched. I wanted to learn more about how their sanctuary came about and what truly goes into running this type of operation.

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I talk with Jonina and Sarah, co-founders of Lancaster Farm Sanctuary about the good, the bad and the ugly of running a farm sanctuary.

We discuss:

  • How the Lancaster Farm Sanctuary came about

  • Why they do the work that they do

  • What the hardest part of the work is (this answer surprised me, but it makes so much sense)

  • What a typical day at the farm looks like

  • How people can help support sanctuaries

  • What they think is the BEST part about running a sanctuary

  • The biggest myth about farm sanctuary life

  • Which animals have impacted them the most

  • Which residents get the most likes and social media attention

  • What they wish more people knew

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Lancaster Farm.jpeg

Lancaster Farm

More about my honored guest:

Jonina Turzi-Jonina was born and raised in Lancaster County and feels grateful for the connections about spirituality, wellness, yoga, and farm animals she learned about here. She is a cofounder of Lancaster Farm Sanctuary, a volunteer district leader for HSUS, and a doctor of physical therapy and yoga educator. She owns a private physical therapy practice in Lancaster City, where she provides functional manual therapy, and a variety of postural and osteopathic interventions for chronic and complex pain including visceral and craniosacral therapies. She also owns West End Yoga, a yoga studio, and Yoga Sanctuary School, a yoga teacher training and continuing education business for wellness practitioners and serious yoga students.

Sarah Salluzzo- Sarah is from Lancaster County.  She has a Masters in Media Studies from The New School University, and an MSW from Millersville University. She is a life-long devoted friend to all animals. She is cofounder of Lancaster Farm Sanctuary, a volunteer district leader for Humane Society of the United States, and recently retired from her position as an inpatient rehabilitation drug and alcohol therapist. Sarah is a yoga practitioner with a long history of social activism.

Sarah and Jonina are a couple and founded the sanctuary in and effort to better the lives of both humans and farmed animals in their community.

You can learn more at: lancasterfarmsanctuary.org

The information on this blog, website and podcast is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace careful evaluation and treatment. If you have concerns about your or your child’s eating, nutrition or growth, consult a doctor.

Call to Action —> Spend time reflecting on what YOU VALUE and then determine whether your current actions align with those values.

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