#58: Consistency is the KEY to SUCCESS

“We are what we repeatedly do” - Aristotle

Have you ever struggled with staying consistent with healthy habits?

Have you had the experience of getting really excited about a new goal only to give up two weeks later when it feels hard or boring?

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you would have continued the behavior instead of given up? Where would you be now? What would your life look like?

Consistency develops habit. In order to develop the habits you want for a healthy lifestyle, you must be consistent.

In this episode, I discuss why consistency is required for developing habits, why we often give up, and five ways that you can be more consistent right now.

Five Ways to be More Consistent Right Now

  1. Start with WHY

  2. Make it easy

  3. Schedule it

  4. Just do it!

  5. Be patient

Speaking of consistency, my goal for season 3 of Veggie Doctor Radio is to stay consistent with WEEKLY podcast episodes for the next 12 months. The first two seasons have been great, but I have not been as consistent as I had planned to be. Sure, I have lots of excuses, but it’s mainly because I didn’t hang in there when it started to feel challenging. This time I have developed a new routine and flow to make it easier on myself so that I will stick with it for the long-term. I am reaching out to YOU to hold me accountable!

Thanks so much for your support and for hanging in there with me!

Call to Action —> Pick one habit right now that you want to be more consistent with and get started right away. 

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